What is PANDAS?
Pediatric Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Strep. Children often present with an acute onset of psychiatric symptoms that include sudden onset of OCD, restriction of food, bedwetting, irritability/anger, mood swings, poor handwriting, tics/involuntary movements, auditory/visual sensitivity, and trouble sleeping.
What is PANS?
Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome. Like PANDAS, however, it can be triggered by other infections/toxins, metabolic disturbances, and inflammatory reactions.
If you believe that your child may be suffering from PANDAS/PANS, it is important to do a comprehensive evaluation to determine the root cause(s) and then develop a personalized treatment plan to address those issues. It takes a skilled clinical diagnostician with a holistic approach to support both the child and family through this process. Natasha Ruiz, MSN BSN FNP-C, has treated many children with PANDAS/PANS successfully.